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Health & Poverty - Links

Commission on Macro-economics and Health

The Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH) was launched by WHO in January 200. Over a two-year period it will produce a series of studies on how concrete health interventions can lead to economic growth and reduce inequity in developing countries. It will recommend a set of measures designed to maximize poverty reduction and economic development benefits of health sector investment. The CMH is chaired by Harvard professor Dr Jeffrey Sachs. It has 6 working groups, and the Web site provides access to some of their working papers. 



Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP)

Crop is a world-wide network of researchers working on poverty. CROP organizes workshops and conferences to bring researchers together and calls for papers on specific topics. Studies produced by members of the crop network are available on the Web site, along with a quarterly newsletter. 




The Eldis Web site is a ‘gateway’ to information on environment and development issues. It provides links to full-text documents, other Web sites, book and article references, as well as descriptions of organizations. Eldis is funded by Danida and Sida, and is hosted by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at Sussex University in the UK. 




ID21 provides reports on the latest British research on development. It is aimed at policymakers and development managers in the field. The Web site includes a database of research digests, a selection of one-page Research Highlights and contact details of people working in development. Research is categorised according to a number of themes, including health.



International Development Goals

The International Development Goals set targets for reductions in poverty, improvements in health and education, and protection of the environment to be reached by 2015. The goals have been adopted by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the members of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, and many other agencies. The Web site provides information on progress towards achieving the goals on a regional and global basis.



Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

IDS is an internationally-renowned centre for research and teaching on development, established in 1966 and based at Sussex University in the UK. 

Its Web site contains an overview of its research and teaching programme, along with links to many full-text documents produced by IDS. 



International Poverty and Health Network (IPHN)

The IPHN is a world-wide network of people, health and business organizations, and NGOs who exchange information on integrating health into poverty eradication policies, and promoting community partnership and inter-sectoral action. IPHN produces an electronic ‘poverty and health’ newsletter which contains news, a list of forthcoming events and meetings, information about relevant organizations and a review of recent-produced resources relevant to poverty and health. 



People’s Health Assembly

The People's Health Assembly (PHA) was a major meeting organized by civil society organizations and networks which aimed to put health at the top of the policy agenda and adovcate a people-centred approach to health and development. The assembly took place near Dhaka, Bangladesh between 4-8 December 2000. Participants adopted the People’s Charter for Health. This is available on the Web site, along with PHA's Framework Paper and four topical Background Papers.



Poverty Net

PovertyNet is run by the World Bank. The site is maintained by the Poverty Reduction Group, part of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network at the Bank. The site contains a section on poverty and health which includes country data, information on World Bank activities in the area, and access to Bank papers on the topic. 



Social Watch

Social Watch is an international network of citizens’ organizations, with a secretariat in Uruguay, concerned with poverty eradication. The site provides access to reports on poverty in different countries, and on different themes, including health. It also has a useful facility for looking-up a wide variety of development indicators according to country and year. 


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